
The Physical Literacy Environment

  There is only one experience I've had in a classroom growing up that was different from all the rest. In third grade, my teacher had been teaching for quite a long time and she incorporated a huge treehouse that you could climb up and read during independent reading time or if you gained special privileges through how you behaved- as part of the rewards system in her class. I remember thinking how amazing that was because it was a focal point in her classroom and I almost wish I could go back and be in that class just one more time. I definitely have a very specific classroom setting theme and it's geared towards nature. I've seen so many "cute" classroom themes but none of them really stood out to me in the way that fits my personality. I've been purchasing plants since my first year in college to prepare for my classroom and to incorporate real plants that can serve as a health aid for my classroom, cleaning the air and helping students with asthma. Not on...

Literacy Lesson Planning

                      The most memorable ELAR lesson plan I witnessed was during my observational hours prior to Covid-19 making an appearance- forcing schools to halt. My coordinating teacher was teaching Kindergarten and I was told prior that she was one of the best within the district. I remember my coordinating teacher dressing up for the students that day and setting the scene for the books they were to read that week. The book theme was three little pigs and the teacher would read two books specifically relating to the theme. The two books were the traditional story of the Three Little Pigs and The True Story of the Three Little pigs. While reading, the teacher and students would discuss what was going on within the story and checking for understanding. After reading both of the books, they compared and contrasted the stories- as the teacher filled out a chart to add to the wall for the week. The teacher was a vetera...

Diversity in Literacy

     When it comes to my own personal experiences dealing with cultural experiences in the past as a student- there isn't much to say. I have learned that my time learning as a student versus learning to become an educator is vastly different. I have to say that in my opinion culturally responsive practices are somewhat new. I am sure that veteran teachers have to go to extra seminars and learn culturally responsive practices through before the year conferences with their peers and respected principals etc. However, growing up in the classroom I never witnessed a diversity primarily in the way materials were presented, nor the diversity that should exist in classroom books and resources. Although the climate of the classrooms I grew up in were not generally negative experiences, I believe diversity has really become a main topic to discuss and implement within the education system. Growing up, I didn't see often diversity in terms of classroom books and resources. The one...

The Beginning

   I'm excited to begin my blogger journey related to literacy education. This is my first blog that I've ever created so I'm a bit nervous and apprehensive about figuring out all the controls related to operating a blog. However, I am hoping to discover more throughout my education courses and link information I've newly found to make sense of what I've learned. I've always wanted to have a blog growing up and never took the leap and created one for myself. I believe this new beginning will be eye opening in the end, to see how far I've come and learned along a short amount of time.   I hope to learn about more methods to incorporate in my classroom to differentiate for my students. I've taken a course prior to prepare me for the ESL certification I will obtain- but teachers are always life long learners. I love to approach every single day with the confidence that I can learn at least one new source of information in any area of my life, especially for...